Origami Boat Teether
Handcrafted one by one and painted with natural pigments, these teething toys are easy to hold by babies hands & fun to chew on! Best of all? No plastic or silicone these are made from 100% natural rubber from trees. Perfect for bath-time too!
Designed with squeezy figures to learn their first shapes & the basic colours while soothing teething gums. TinyHumans will develop fine motor skills while boosting their imaginations and creativity.
Cabinet of Curiosities
Dog Teether
Hiccup Makes A Leap
The Nature of Play Book
Alphabet Cards
Sevi Wooden Clown Letters
Earth Teether
Origami Boat Teether
Bauhaus Teether
Bean Wax Crayons
Garment Guardian Kit
Stacking Wooden Rocket
Retro Tin Walking Robot
Wooden Lacing Sheep