Bad Ideas Pen x Marina Abramovic
Use your Bad Ideas pen to create good ideas
About the Artist
Marina Abramovic began her career in the early 1970s. Active for over four decades, her work explores the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and the possibilities of the mind.
Marina Abramovic Institute (MAI) is the legacy of Serbian performance artist, Marina Abramovic. It is an organisation that will expand the accessibility of time-based work and create new possibilities for collaboration among thinkers of all fields.
14cm x 5cm
Cabinet of Curiosities

Computer Engineering For Babies

GOMMU Dog Teether


MiniHuman Flash Cards
from $17.00

Hiccup Makes A Leap

The Nature of Play Book

Alphabet Cards

Stacking Wooden Rocket

Moon Boot Socks

Wooden Nasa Van

Silicone Dental Teether

Origami Boat Teether

Bauhaus Teether

Bean Wax Crayons

Garment Guardian Kit