1. Read more: Plastic: Hero & Villain
    Plastic: Hero & Villain

    Plastic: Hero & Villain

    by Petit Pli

    Plastic: Hero & Villain   What do Hannibal Lecter, Lex Luthor, Darth Vader and plastic share in common?   The answer is nestled in the titl...
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  2. Read more: Cloth: The Original Technology
    Cloth: The Original Technology

    Cloth: The Original Technology

    by Petit Pli

    Cloth: The Original Technology   Whoosh. Click. Briinng-briinnng. Boop. Bzzzz. Sound familiar? It should do. It’s the soundtrack of the 21st cent...
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  3. Read more: Earth’s Most Essential Resource.
    Earth’s Most Essential Resource.

    Earth’s Most Essential Resource.

    by Petit Pli

    Earth’s Most Essential Resource. Hello Fellow Humans, What is the value of water? We drink it, we bathe in it. It’s so essential that it factors ...
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