It all started when Viggo was born.

Shortly after Viggo was born Ryan gifted him clothes, but by the time they arrived they were already too small.
This served as a signal: childrenswear today fails to recognise the dynamic and rapidly changing bodies of Earth’s LittleHumans. Inspired by his background in deployable satellite technology, Ryan created a garment that would grow with his nephew, reducing water and carbon footprints, and the need to keep buying new clothes. Soon after, Petit Pli was born and Clothes That Grow went on to winmultiple awards, starting a sustainable childrenswear revolution.
Since 2017, Petit Pli invents and applies groundbreaking material technologies that solve problems for individuals, businesses and the planet across the textiles value chain.
Everything we create has to pass the Mars Test.
If you’re planning on a trip to the red planet you have to get your packing right: your clothing needs to be versatile, comfortable, essential details only, and extremely tough (you’ll be waiting about seven months on Mars for a replacement from Earth). All our innovations have to pass this criteria, and added to that they have to adhere to our strict environmental policies.
Pushing bounderies
Growing Up
The negative impact of fashion on the environment isn’t limited to childrenswear so we have embarked on transforming adult clothing too - imagine if your wardrobe could cost less and be instrumental in halting environmental damage.We believe that designs which fulfil real human needs will never be thrown away, sowe’re asking what happens if clothing is truly without gender and is so versatile it adapts to a wide range of body shapes and sizes, styles, activities and purpose. If extending clothing life by nine months equals acarbon and water reduction of 20-30% each, imagine what ninety years and beyond could do…
The New Normal
With the pandemic came new challenges, and our first item for adults. We saw a way that we could significantly transform disposable masks: a daily necessity destined for landfill, and an often uncomfortable and unpleasant user experience. The MSK, made from recycled plastic bottles, and comfortable on every face, went on to winTime Magazine's best invention of 2020.
Ground Control
We are a small company with huge ambition. Our team consists of an agile force of interdisciplinary design engineers, fashion designers, neuroscientists and sociologists, all obsessed with innovation, responsible consumption and inspiring the next generation to value their garments and use less. Find out what that means to us here and keep your eyes on our Beta[X] section to discover the latest research projects.
Behind the scenes