Emma Low's son wearing Petit Pli Green Ore Suit

You are bigger than your fears

by Sanzida Rahman

You are bigger than your fears  

A child wearing Petit Pli Green Ore Contrast Suit

“Parenthood to me is the most devastating kind of love”

Emma is a photographer based in the USA!  We invited Emma to take part in our portrait series as we felt her adventures with her children deserved to be shared. We were also inspired by her message to her LittleHuman self. 

    1. What is an average day like ?

My husband and I both work from home for a digital marketing firm called Ring Digital. We are fortunate to have the best nanny most days of the week. We do our normal morning routine together and I take breaks to eat with the boys and go outside with them during the day. Then it's family dinner, a walk in the neighbourhood, bath time and bed. The weekends are for adventures and ice cream!

     2. What does parenthood mean to you?

Parenthood to me is the most devastating kind of love. I say devastating because the joy and grief that come from being a parent hold so much weight, but simultaneously we get to discover that our love for our children is a light that brightens everything it touches.

     3. What has been a window of joy for you during the pandemic?

A bright spot during the pandemic was moving to a new home that has more yard space and a pond in our backyard. The boys love watching the ducks, our resident Blue Heron, and getting to play ice hockey in the winter with their dad.

     4. What does sustainability mean to you ?

Sustainability to me started with my love for thrifting and second-hand and vintage goods. I thrift as much as I can! It also means listening to other people who know more than I do about the small things I can change in my life that have a big impact on our environment . The amazing blogger Aimee has taught me so much over the past two years! 

     5. What would you tell your LittleHuman self?

If I could go back and tell Little Me something I would hug her and say, “You are bigger than your fears, you are stronger than you think, and you are so loved.”
Thank you so much for taking us into your world, Emma!