Marawa and her child in Petit Pli garments

Skating into conscious consumption

by Sanzida Rahman

Skating into conscious consumption

Mother and her Child in Petit Pli Garment

I don’t want to buy anything if it’s not going to be with me for the next 5-10 years at least”

Today’s Petit Pli Portrait features Marawa Ibrahim - an LA-based roller skating and hula hooping extraordinaire and founder of consciously sourced and manufactured activewear brand Paradise. Not only does Marawa run her own brand, but she is also the author of ‘The Girl Guide - A Stylish Agony Aunt for Any Girl Growing Up’. 

When skating by the beach in LA, her MSK is a necessary companion - the lightweight design is what makes them perfect for active humans! Read on for a look into the joyful mind of Marawa, circus star and conscious consumer.


1. What do you do? 

I am always so bad at this question... I run an online shop, but also, I am an International showgirl currently trapped at home.


2. What is an average day like?


Our pandemic time has been like Groundhog Day but kind of nice - sunrise with coffee, lots of breastfeeding, some laptop work, lots of FaceTime with family and friends, cooking, and if it’s not too cold, some gardening.


3. What has been a window of joy for you during the pandemic?


Slowing down! It was a great opportunity to take stock of work and life and cut out anything that wasn’t important, useful, or healthy. Also skating at the beach in the early morning when no one is there kept me sane!


4. What does sustainability mean to you?


Short term fixes, trying to always think long term with any purchases. I don’t want to buy anything if it’s not going to be with me for the next 5-10 years, at least.


5. If you could go back in time to speak to your LittleHuman self what would you say?


In 2019, you will think you should stay in LA for Christmas, but really you should pack up and go back to Australia.

We are forever inspired by Marawa’s way of life and joyful attitude!