The Baby Book Diary
The perfect logbook for capturing your TinyHuman's development & special moments in their first year. There’s also space to record ‘My greatest achievements’ as well as ‘Your greatest achievements’ to capture what life was really like as well as celebrating milestones along the way.
A stimulating activity logbook, perfect for noting down memories of a special MiniHuman and you. Ideal for god-parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles.
Cabinet of Curiosities
Computer Engineering For Babies
Dog Teether
Hiccup Makes A Leap
The Nature of Play Book
Alphabet Cards
Moon Boot Socks
Sevi Wooden Clown Letters
Earth Teether
Origami Boat Teether
Bauhaus Teether
Bean Wax Crayons
Garment Guardian Kit
Stacking Wooden Rocket
Retro Tin Walking Robot
Wooden Lacing Sheep